Sunday 13 March 2011

My CrEaTioNs.

A leafy bow basket created with handmade thick paper & round card board.It is embellished with artificial leaves...3D colors helped to yield a free art on the basket and on it's base...put a green shiny bow to make it attractive..
 HwZ It???

Complete view of the basket....
filled with candies n chocolates to make mood nice and sweet...:)

A cardboard box completed with different papers...give a attractive touch by putting friend's pic or any other pic on front & protected by transparency!!u can put any other design to make your handmade 
box much more can b a good surprise for the one whom u r going to give your efforts. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna buy ds beautiful basket too, fill ds basket with chocolates n gv it to my gl & thnks to u m gonna get smthng amazng in return (ann.. u knw wt i mean ;-) )